Words related to ベース
- (n) inside baseball
Sentences containing ベース
アンケートの集計は、表計算ソフトひょうけいさんソフト で行っていましたが、最近さいきん は、データベースソフトでの集計しゅうけい の方ほう が容易な気がして、データベースソフトで集計しゅうけい していますする 。
We used to compile survey results using spreadsheet programs but recently we feel that database software's summing methods are quicker so we use databases to total them.
If you've got time to play around on an acoustic guitar, practice your bass!
The players had to throw the ball from one to another to try to get the ball over the other team's baseline.
I have a large body of information in my computer database.
Please change your database to reflect the new address as follows.
We are afraid that our new address is not registered on your database.
We found it very hard going back to our base camp in the blizzard.