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Search Kanji for live

reside; to be; exist; live with

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Popularity rank: 836 Pinyin: jū, jī Korean: geo, gi Hán-Việt: cư, kí
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-5


安居[ankyo] easy life
居炉裏[irori] sunken hearth
一言居士[ichigenkoji] person who is ready to comment on every subject
独り芝居[hitorishibai] one man show
隠居[inkyo] retirement
円居[madoi] small gathering
猿芝居[sarushibai] monkey show
伽芝居[togishibai] fairy play
鴨居[kamoi] lintel
閑居[kankyo] quiet and secluded life
dwell; reside; live; inhabit

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Popularity rank: 270 Pinyin: zhù Korean: ju Hán-Việt: trụ, trú
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-5


安住[anjuu] living peaceably
移住[ijuu] migration
衣食住[ishokujuu] necessities of life (food, clothing & shelter)
永住[eijuu] permanent residence
永住権[eijuuken] permanent residence
永住者[eijuusha] permanent resident
居住[kyojuu] residence
居住地[kyojuuchi] residence
共同住宅[kyoudoujuutaku] apartment house
原住民[genjuumin] native people
live; dwell

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Pinyin: qī, xī Korean: seo Hán-Việt: tê, thê
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-4-8


共棲[tomoiki] symbiosis
棲家[sumika] dwelling
水棲[suisei] aquatic (life)
棲息[seisoku] inhabiting
同棲[dousei] cohabitation
両棲[ryousei] amphibious
隠棲[insei] secluded life
旧棲[kyuusei] old home
棲み分け[sumiwake] habitat isolation (biology)
両棲動物[ryouseidoubutsu] amphibious animal
be crowned with; live under (a ruler); receive

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Popularity rank: 2332 Pinyin: dài Korean: dae Hán-Việt: đái
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 4-18-4


戴きます[itadakimasu] expression of gratitude before meals
戴冠式[taikanshiki] coronation ceremony
戴き[itadaki] crown (of head)
戴き物[itadakimono] (received) present
頂戴[choudai] receiving
不倶戴天[fugutaiten] cannot allow (oneself) to live (with someone) under the canopy of heaven
奉戴[houtai] having a prince for a president
戴く[itadaku] to receive
推戴[suitai] (being) presided over by
戴ける[itadakeru] to receive (potential)
the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them
Pinyin: gāng Korean: gang Hán-Việt: cương, cang
Stroke counts: 10 Skip code: 2-5-5