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Search Kanji for 10進小数点十


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Popularity rank: 8 Pinyin: shí Korean: sib Hán-Việt: thập
Stroke counts: 2 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-2-3


黄道十二宮[koudoujuunikyuu] twelve signs of the zodiac
丸十[marujuu] cross in a circle
五十音[gojuuon] the Japanese syllabary
五十音順[gojuuonjun] the syllabary order
五十三次[gojuusantsugi] the 53 Toukaidou stages
五十年祭[gojuunensai] jubilee
五十歩百歩[gojuppohyappo] six of one and a half dozen of the other
五十路[isoji] age fifty
三十戸[sanjikko] thirty houses
三十三所[sanjuusansho] any of a number of sets of thirty-three holy places enshrining Avalokitesvara (esp. those comprising a popular pilgrimage in the Kinki region)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
little; small

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Popularity rank: 114 Pinyin: xiǎo Korean: so Hán-Việt: tiểu
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-1-2


御寝小[onesho] bed-wetting
小便をする[shoubenwosuru] to pee
悪戯小僧[itazurakozou] mischievous boy
右小括弧[migishoukakko] closing parenthesis
永小作[eikosaku] perpetual land lease
英小文字[eikomoji] lower-case letters
仮小屋[karigoya] booth
過小[kashou] too small
過小評価[kashouhyouka] underestimation
甘い小説[amaishousetsu] sentimental novel
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
number; strength; fate; law; figures

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Popularity rank: 148 Pinyin: shù, shǔ, shuò Korean: su, chog Hán-Việt: sổ, số, sác, xúc
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-9-4


アラビア数字[arabiasuuji] Arabic numeral
サンプリング周波数[sanpuringushuuhasuu] sampling frequency
シグモイド関数[shigumoidokansuu] sigmoid function
スカッシング関数[sukasshingukansuu] squashing function
ステップ関数[suteppukansuu] step function
ブーリアン関数[buuriankansuu] Boolean function
圧倒的多数[attoutekitasuu] overwhelming numbers
異数[isuu] unusual
員数[inzuu] numbers of members (things, people)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
spot; point; mark; speck; decimal point

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Popularity rank: 165 Pinyin: diǎn Korean: jeom Hán-Việt: điểm
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-5-4


ゼロ地点[zerochiten] ground zero
圧痛点[attsuuten] pressure point
一致点[icchiten] point of agreement
一点[itten] speck
一点機[ichitenki] turning point
一点張り[ittenbari] persistence
引火点[inkaten] flash point
遠地点[enchiten] apogee
遠日点[enjitsuten] aphelion
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
advance; proceed; progress; promote

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Popularity rank: 142 Pinyin: jìn Korean: jin Hán-Việt: tiến
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-8


ジェット推進研究所[jettosuishinkenkyuusho] Jet Propulsion Laboratory
一進一退[isshinittai] now advancing and now retreating
一歩前進[ippozenshin] (a) step forward
栄進[eishin] promotion
詠進[eishin] presentation of poem (to court)
仮進級[karishinkyuu] conditional promotion
勘進[kanshin] reporting after careful investigation
勧進[kanjin] temple solicitation
勧進元[kanjinmoto] backer
勧進帳[kanjinchou] temple solicitation book
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0