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Search Kanji for 鼻中隔

in; inside; middle; mean; center

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Popularity rank: 11 Pinyin: zhōng, zhòng Korean: jung Hán-Việt: trung, trúng
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-4-3


御中[onaka] stomach
御話中[ohanashichuu] busy (phone)
アル中[aruchuu] alcoholism
π中間子[paichuukanshi] pi meson
暗中[anchuu] in the dark
暗中摸索[anchuumosaku] groping in the dark
意中[ichuu] one's mind
意中の女[ichuunoonna] sweetheart
井の中の蛙大海を知らず[inonakanokawazutaikaiwoshirazu] parochial
一日中[ichinichijuu] all day long
isolate; alternate; distance; separate; gulf

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Popularity rank: 1382 Pinyin: Korean: gyeog Hán-Việt: cách
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-2-10


遠隔[enkaku] distant
遠隔教育[enkakukyouiku] distance learning
遠隔講義[enkakukougi] distance learning
遠隔視[enkakushi] remote viewing
遠隔性[enkakusei] remote
遠隔操作[enkakusousa] remote control
遠隔地[enkakuchi] distant (remote) land
横隔膜[oukakumaku] diaphragm (body)
隔たり[hedatari] distance
隔たる[hedataru] to be distant
nose; snout

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Popularity rank: 1632 Pinyin: Korean: bi Hán-Việt: tị, tì
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-6-8


阿鼻叫喚[abikyoukan] agonizing cries
耳鼻[jibi] nose and ears
耳鼻咽喉科[jibiinkouka] otorhinolaryngology
耳鼻咽喉専門医[jibiinkousenmoni] ear, nose and throat specialist
耳鼻科[jibika] otolaryngology
小鼻[kobana] nostrils
前鼻緒[maehanao] sandal or clog strap
点鼻薬[tenbiyaku] nose drops
鼻が高い[hanagatakai] proud