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Search Kanji for 鼓手長


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Popularity rank: 60 Pinyin: shǒu Korean: su Hán-Việt: thủ
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-1-3


御手玉[otedama] beanbag
御手上げ[oteage] all over
御手盛り[otemori] making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself
御手洗い[otearai] toilet
お手伝いさん[otetsudaisan] maid
手子摺る[tekozuru] to have much trouble
引っ手繰り[hittakuri] purse snatching
悪手[akushu] poor move
握手[akushu] handshake
安手[yasude] cheap kind
long; leader

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Popularity rank: 12 Pinyin: cháng, zhǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trường, trưởng, trướng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-8-1


イ長調[ichouchou] A major
データビット長[deetabittochou] data bit length
ト長調[tochouchou] G major
ニ長調[nichouchou] D major
ハ長調[hachouchou] C major
ヘ長調[hechouchou] F major
ホ長調[hochouchou] E major
ロ長調[rochouchou] B major
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
意味深長[imishinchou] with profound (often hidden) meaning
drum; beat; rouse; muster

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Popularity rank: 1795 Pinyin: Korean: go Hán-Việt: cổ
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-9-4


一鼓[ikko] the first beat of the war drum
軍鼓[gunko] war drum
鼓弓[kokyuu] kokyu (3 or 4-stringed bowed Japanese musical instrument)
鼓室[koshitsu] tympanic cavity
鼓手[koshu] drummer
鼓手長[koshuchou] drum major
鼓吹[kosui] inspiration
鼓吹者[kosuisha] advocate
鼓脹[kochou] flatulence