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Search Kanji for 鼎革

leather; become serious; skin; hide; pelt

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Popularity rank: 249 Pinyin: gé, jí, jǐ Korean: hyeog, geug Hán-Việt: cách, cức
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-5


セーム革[seemugawa] chamois leather
沿革[enkaku] history
革まる[aratamaru] to be renewed
革める[aratameru] to change
改革[kaikaku] reform
改革案[kaikakuan] reform proposal
改革過程[kaikakukatei] reform process
革靴[kawagutsu] leather shoes
革新[kakushin] reform
革新系[kakushinkei] liberal
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
three legged kettle

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Pinyin: dǐng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: đỉnh
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 4-13-1


鼎談[teidan] tripartite (three man) talk
鼎談会[teidankai] three-man talk
鼎立[teiritsu] triangular position
鼎立戦[teiritsusen] three-way contest
鼎座[teiza] three people sitting in a triangle
鼎の軽重を問う[kanaenokeichouwotou] to call one's ability into question
鼎革[teikaku] change of dynasty
三者鼎立[sanshateiritsu] three parties (forces) opposing one another
鐘鼎文[shouteibun] bronze-vessel and bell inscriptions
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0