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Search Kanji for 鬱陶

pottery; porcelain

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Popularity rank: 1680 Pinyin: táo, yáo Korean: do, yo Hán-Việt: đào, dao
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


薫陶[kuntou] education
陶器[touki] porcelain (esp. soft-paste porcelain)
陶芸[tougei] ceramic art
陶芸家[tougeika] potter
陶工[toukou] potter
陶磁[touji] clay
陶磁器[toujiki] porcelain
陶磁器店[toujikiten] ceramic stores
陶酔[tousui] intoxication
鬱陶しい[uttoushii] gloomy (e.g. mood)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gloom; depression; melancholy

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Pinyin: Korean: ul Hán-Việt: uất, úc
Stroke counts: 29 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-14-15


陰鬱[inutsu] gloom
鬱積[usseki] accumulation (e.g. of emotions, grievances, etc.)
抗鬱[kouutsu] antidepressant
鬱を散じる[utsuwosanjiru] to chase one's gloom away
鬱陶しい[uttoushii] gloomy (e.g. mood)
鬱病[utsubyou] melancholia
躁鬱[souutsu] manic-depressive (bipolar)
躁鬱病[souutsubyou] manic depression
鬱血[ukketsu] blood congestion
鬱蒼[ussou] thick
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0