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Search Kanji for 高欄勾鉤

be bent; slope; capture

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Pinyin: gōu Korean: gu, gwi Hán-Việt: câu
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 3-2-2


勾引[kouin] arrest
勾引[kadowakashi] kidnapper
勾引状[kouinjou] summons
勾配[koubai] slope
勾留[kouryuu] detention
勾かす[kadowakasu] to kidnap
勾引す[kadowasu] to kidnap
勾玉[magatama] comma-shaped jewels
急勾配[kyuukoubai] steep slope
勾欄[kouran] railing
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column; handrail; blank; space

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Popularity rank: 1523 Pinyin: lán Korean: ran Hán-Việt: lan
Stroke counts: 20 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-4-16


家庭欄[kateiran] family column (newspaper)
空欄[kuuran] blank space
三行広告欄[sangyoukoukokuran] classified ads
上欄[jouran] top or preceding horizontal column
人事欄[jinjiran] personal column
人生案内欄[jinseiannairan] personal-question column
投書欄[toushoran] letters to the editor section
不欄[furan] space without columns
欄外[rangai] margin
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
hook; barb; gaff; brackets

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Pinyin: gōu Korean: gu Hán-Việt: câu
Stroke counts: 13 Skip code: 1-8-5


懸鉤子[kiichigo] raspberry (any plant of genus Rubus, esp. Rubus palmatus var. coptophyllus)
鉤括弧[kagikakko] square bracket
釣鉤[tsuribari] fish hook
鉤針[kagibari] hook
手鉤[tekagi] short gaff
鉤十字[kagijuuji] swastika
鉤の手[kaginote] right-angled bend
鉤虫[kouchuu] hookworm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tall; high; expensive

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Popularity rank: 65 Pinyin: gāo Korean: go Hán-Việt: cao
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-2-8


高が[takaga] it's only ... (something)
意気軒高[ikikenkou] in high spirits
異常高温[ijoukouon] abnormally high temperatures
一斉高[isseidaka] all-round (market) advance
雲高[unkou] height of clouds
円高[endaka] high-valued yen
価値高い[kachitakai] valuable
可能性が高い[kanouseigatakai] very likely
勘定高い[kanjoudakai] calculating
気高い[kedakai] sublime
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0