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Search Kanji for 馬鹿死治

death; die

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Popularity rank: 229 Pinyin: Korean: sa Hán-Việt: tử
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-6-1


鬼利死丹[kirishitan] early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period)
あっ死[asshi] crushing to death
安楽死[anrakushi] euthanasia
一死[isshi] dying
一死後[isshigo] after one out (in Baseball)
一死報国[isshihoukoku] dying for one's country
煙死[enshi] death by smoke suffocation
横死[oushi] violent (tragic or accidental) death
仮死[kashi] asphyxiation
過労死[karoushi] death from overwork and mental stress
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reign; be at peace; calm down; subdue; quell; govt; cure; heal; rule; conserve

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Popularity rank: 109 Pinyin: zhì Korean: chi Hán-Việt: trị
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-5


共産党政治局[kyousantouseijikyoku] Politburo
共和政治[kyouwaseiji] republican government
恐怖政治[kyoufuseiji] politics of fear
金権政治[kinkenseiji] money politics (i.e corruption of politics by money)
根治[konji] complete (radical) cure
三頭政治[santouseiji] triumvirate
治まる[osamaru] to be at peace
治める[osameru] to govern
治安[chian] public order
治安部隊[chianbutai] security force
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Popularity rank: 639 Pinyin: Korean: ma Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-10-1


馬酔木[asebi] Japanese andromeda (Pieris japonica)
馬鈴薯[jagaimo] potato (Solanum tuberosum)
じゃじゃ馬[jajauma] restive horse
玖馬[kyuuba] Cuba
トロイの木馬[toroinomokuba] Trojan horse
巴奈馬[panama] Panama
馬克[maruku] mark
羅馬字[roomaji] Latin alphabet
ワープロ馬鹿[waapurobaka] someone whose kanji-writing ability has suffered due to overreliance on the kana-to-kanji conversion systems used to input Japanese text on a computer
愛馬[aiba] favourite horse
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鹿 deer

Search dictionary for: 鹿

Popularity rank: 957 Pinyin: Korean: rog Hán-Việt: lộc
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-8


ワープロ馬鹿[waapurobaka] someone whose kanji-writing ability has suffered due to overreliance on the kana-to-kanji conversion systems used to input Japanese text on a computer
鹿驚[kagashi] scarecrow
河鹿[kajika] kajika frog (Buergeria buergeri)
葦鹿[michi] eared seal (esp. the California sea lion, Zalophus californianus)
鹿児島県[kagoshimaken] Kagoshima prefecture (Kyushu)
鹿追[shikaoi] hinged bamboo water cup or trough, which makes a percussive sound periodically as it tips over
親馬鹿[oyabaka] (over) fond parents
中原の鹿[chuugennoshika] the aim (in a campaign)
馴鹿[tonakai] reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
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