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Search Kanji for 飽厭倦

lose interest in; tire of

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Pinyin: juàn Korean: gweon Hán-Việt: quyện
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-2-8


倦み疲れる[umitsukareru] to grow weary
倦厭[kenen] weariness
倦怠[kentai] languor
倦怠感[kentaikan] physical weariness
倦怠期[kentaiki] the stage of fatigue
倦憊[kenpai] extreme fatigue
倦む[agumu] to get tired of (doing)
倦る[akiru] to get tired of
攻め倦む[semeagumu] to lose the attacking initiative
待ち倦む[machiagumu] to tire of waiting
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
get tired of; satiate; bore; dislike; disagreeable; unwelcome

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Pinyin: yàn, yān Korean: yeom, am, yeob Hán-Việt: yếm, áp, yêm, ấp
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 3-2-12


厭に[iyani] awfully
厭う[itou] to dislike
厭き性[akishou] fickle nature
厭わしい[itowashii] detestable
厭悪[eno] dislike
厭人[enjin] misanthropy
厭人者[enjinsha] misanthrope
厭世[ensei] pessimism
厭世家[enseika] pessimist
厭世観[enseikan] pessimistic view of life
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sated; tired of; bored; satiate

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Popularity rank: 1780 Pinyin: bǎo Korean: po Hán-Việt: bão
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-8-5


飽き性[akishou] fickle nature
見飽きる[miakiru] to be tired of looking at
市場の飽和状態[shijounohouwajoutai] market saturation
飽気[akke] taken aback
飽かす[akasu] to bore
飽かず[akazu] with untiring zeal
飽き飽き[akiaki] sick of
飽くことを知らない[akukotowoshiranai] insatiable
飽く迄[akumade] to the end
飽食[houshoku] gluttony
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0