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Search Kanji for 顔紅葉散

scatter; disperse; spend; squander

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Popularity rank: 758 Pinyin: sàn, sǎn Korean: san Hán-Việt: tán, tản
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-8-4


威張り散らす[ibarichirasu] to domineer
胃散[isan] stomach medicine
逸散に[issanni] at top speed
一目散[ichimokusan] at full speed
一目散に[ichimokusanni] at full speed
雲散霧消[unsanmushou] vanishing like mist
解散[kaisan] breakup
拡散[kakusan] scattering
閑散[kansan] deserted (esp. store, market, town, streets)
言散らす[iichirasu] to spread (a report)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
crimson; deep red

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Popularity rank: 1299 Pinyin: hóng, gōng Korean: hong, gong Hán-Việt: hồng, công
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-3


吾亦紅[waremokou] burnet
口紅[kuchibeni] lipstick
紅焔[kouen] red flame
紅花[benibana] safflower
紅海[koukai] Red Sea
紅冠鳥[koukanchou] cardinal (bird) (Cardinalis cardinalis)
紅顔[kougan] rosy cheeks
紅唇[koushin] red lips
紅藻[kousou] red algae
紅茶[koucha] black tea
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
leaf; plane; lobe; needle; blade; spear; counter for flat things; fragment; piece

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Popularity rank: 414 Pinyin: xié, yè, shè Korean: yeob, seob Hán-Việt: diệp, diếp
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-8


アセンブリー言葉[asenburiikotoba] assembly language
一葉[ichiyou] one leaf
右葉[uyou] right lobe
押し葉[oshiba] pressed leaves
観葉植物[kanyoushokubutsu] decorative plant
棄言葉[sutekotoba] sharp parting remark
京葉[keiyou] Tokyo and Chiba
言葉[kotoba] language
言葉づかい[kotobazukai] speech
口言葉[kuchikotoba] spoken language
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
face; expression

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Popularity rank: 676 Pinyin: yán Korean: an Hán-Việt: nhan
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-9-9


雲鬢花顔[unbinkagan] beautiful woman (metaphorical)
横顔[yokogao] face in profile
温顔[ongan] kindly face
なに食わぬ顔[nanikuwanukao] innocent look
我物顔[wagamonogao] looking or acting as if one owned the place
汗顔[kangan] ashamed
顔から火が出る[kaokarahigaderu] to be extremely embarrassed
顔を顰める[kaowoshikameru] to grimace
顔を潰す[kaowotsubusu] to make somebody lose face
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0