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Search Kanji for 頬杖突

staff; cane

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Popularity rank: 2387 Pinyin: zhàng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trượng, tráng
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-4-3


仕込み杖[shikomizue] sword cane
錫杖[shakujou] bishop's staff
松葉杖[matsubazue] crutch(es)
竹の杖[takenotsue] bamboo rod (stick, pole)
撞木杖[shumokuzue] crutches
そば杖[sobazue] blow received by a bystander
頬杖を突く[hoozuewotsuku] to rest one's chin in one's hands
杖柱[tsuehashira] person upon whom one relies
頬杖[hoozue] resting one's chin in one's hands
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stab; protruding; thrusting; thrust; pierce; prick

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Popularity rank: 521 Pinyin: tú, tū Korean: dol Hán-Việt: đột
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-5


米突[meetoru] metre
烟突[entotsu] chimney
危機突破[kikitoppa] crisis relief
強突張り[goutsukubari] stubbornness
玉突[tamatsuki] billiards
激突[gekitotsu] crash into
剣突[kentsuku] rough scolding
剣突を食わす[kentsukuwokuwasu] to burst out in anger
小突く[kozuku] to poke
衝突[shoutotsu] collision
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
cheeks; jaw

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Popularity rank: 2424 Pinyin: jiá Korean: hyeob Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 15 Skip code: 1-6-9


頬笑み[hooemi] smile
頬笑む[hohoemu] to smile
頬っぺ[hoppe] cheek
頬っ辺[hoppeta] cheek
頬紅[hoobeni] cheek rouge
頬骨[hoobone] cheekbones
頬髯[hoohige] whiskers
頬杖を突く[hoozuewotsuku] to rest one's chin in one's hands
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0