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Search Kanji for 音響効果

merit; efficacy; efficiency; benefit

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Popularity rank: 538 Pinyin: xiào Korean: hyo Hán-Việt: hiệu
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-2


コスト効率[kosutokouritsu] cost effectiveness
圧電効果[atsudenkouka] piezoelectric effect
偉効[ikou] great effect
逆効果[gyakukouka] backfire
経済効果[keizaikouka] (positive) economic effect
効果[kouka] effect
効果音[koukaon] sound effect
効果的[koukateki] effective
効果覿面[koukatekimen] bring an immediate result on
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
fruit; reward; carry out; achieve; complete; end; finish; succeed

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Popularity rank: 258 Pinyin: guǒ Korean: gwa Hán-Việt: quả
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-8-1


この結果[konokekka] consequently
芒果[mangoo] mango
悪因悪果[akuinakka] sowing and reaping evil
悪果[akka] bad results
圧電効果[atsudenkouka] piezoelectric effect
為果せる[shiooseru] to accomplish
因果[inga] cause and effect
因果関係[ingakankei] consequence
因果者[ingamono] unlucky person
果せる[ooseru] to succeed in doing
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
sound; noise

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Popularity rank: 491 Pinyin: yīn Korean: eum Hán-Việt: âm
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-5-4


ト音記号[toonkigou] G clef
ハ音記号[haonkigou] C clef
ヘ音記号[heonkigou] F clef
哀音[aion] sad voices
異音[ion] allophone
異句同音[ikudouon] in concert
異口同音に[ikudouonni] in one voice
一音節[ichionsetsu] monosyllable
一口同音[ikkudouon] reading in unison
羽音[haoto] sound of flapping wings (of a bird)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
echo; sound; resound; ring; vibrate

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Popularity rank: 502 Pinyin: xiǎng Korean: hyang Hán-Việt: hưởng
Stroke counts: 20 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-10-9


N響[enukyou] NHK Symphony Orchestra
響動めき[doyomeki] commotion
悪影響[akueikyou] bad influence
影響[eikyou] influence
影響を及ぼす[eikyouwooyobosu] to affect
影響力[eikyouryoku] influence
音響[onkyou] sound
音響カプラー[onkyoukapuraa] acoustic coupler
京響[kyoukyou] Kyoto Symphony Orchestra
響きわたる[hibikiwataru] to resound
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0