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Search Kanji for 静流川深

stream; river; river or 3-stroke river radical (no. 47)

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Popularity rank: 181 Pinyin: chuān Korean: cheon Hán-Việt: xuyên
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-1-2


ライン川[raingawa] (river) Rhine
安倍川餅[abekawamochi] rice cakes (mochi) with Kinako
川床[kawadoko] riverbed
河川[kasen] rivers
江川る[egawaru] to (try to) act like a big-shot
香川県[kagawaken] Kagawa prefecture (Shikoku)
三途の川[sanzunokawa] Sanzu River (Buddhist equivalent of the River Styx)
山川[sansen] mountains and rivers
四川[shisen] Sichuan (China)
小川[ogawa] streamlet
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
current; a sink; flow; forfeit

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Popularity rank: 280 Pinyin: liú Korean: ryu Hán-Việt: lưu
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-7


ヨガの流行[yoganoryuukou] the cult of yoga
亜流[aryuu] bad second
暗流[anryuu] undercurrent
一次電流[ichijidenryuu] primary current
一流[ichiryuu] first-class
溢流[itsuryuu] overflow
渦流[karyuu] swirling current
押流す[oshinagasu] to wash away
横流し[yokonagashi] diversion into illegal channels
横流れ[yokonagare] flowing into the black market
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
deep; heighten; intensify; strengthen

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Popularity rank: 484 Pinyin: shēn Korean: sim Hán-Việt: thâm
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-8


意味深重[imishinchou] with profound (often hidden) meaning
奥深い[okufukai] profound
海深[kaishin] depth of the sea
疑い深い[utagaibukai] doubting
興味深い[kyoumibukai] very interesting
深ける[fukeru] to get late
根深い[nebukai] deep-rooted
思慮深い[shiryobukai] prudent
執念深い[shuunenbukai] vindictive
嫉妬深い[shittobukai] (deeply) jealous
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 764 Pinyin: jìng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: tĩnh
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-8-6


安静[ansei] rest
安静時[anseiji] resting
閑静[kansei] quiet (e.g. neighbourhood, neighborhood)
頸静脈[keijoumyaku] jugular vein
寝静まる[neshizumaru] to fall asleep
静か[shizuka] quiet
静けさ[shizukesa] stillness
静岡県[shizuokaken] Shizuoka prefecture (Chuubu area)
静穏[seion] serene
静観[seikan] watchful waiting
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0