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Search Kanji for 隙透

transparent; permeate; filter; penetrate

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Popularity rank: 1035 Pinyin: tòu Korean: tu Hán-Việt: thấu
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-8


透き[geki] gap
透間[sukima] crevice
見え透く[miesuku] to be transparent
見透かす[misukasu] to see through
失透[shittou] devitrification
滲透[shintou] permeation
沁透る[shimitooru] to soak through
透破抜き[suppanuki] exposure
透す[toosu] to stick through
透る[tooru] to go by
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
crevice; fissure; discord; opportunity; leisure

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Pinyin: Korean: geug Hán-Việt: khích
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-10


隙人[himajin] man of leisure
間隙[kangeki] gap
空隙[kuugeki] vacant space
隙き間[sukima] crevice
手隙[teaki] not busy
手間隙[temahima] time and effort
寸隙[sungeki] spare time
隙間風[sukimakaze] draft
隙かさず[sukasazu] without a moment's delay
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0