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Search Kanji for 除雪作業

make; production; prepare; build

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Popularity rank: 103 Pinyin: zuō, zuò, zuó Korean: jag, ja, ju Hán-Việt: tác
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-2-5


遺作[isaku] posthumous works
一毛作[ichimousaku] (a) single crop
稲作[inasaku] rice cultivation
永小作[eikosaku] perpetual land lease
永子作権[eikosakuken] perpetual land lease
英作文[eisakubun] English composition
遠隔操作[enkakusousa] remote control
佳作[kasaku] good piece of work
家作[kasaku] making house
寡作[kasaku] low production
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business; vocation; arts; performance

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Popularity rank: 43 Pinyin: Korean: eob Hán-Việt: nghiệp
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-5-8


パートタイム従業員[paatotaimujuugyouin] part time employee
フルタイム従業員[furutaimujuugyouin] full-time employee
偉業[igyou] great enterprise
遺業[igyou] work left at death
医業[igyou] medical practice
医薬分業[iyakubungyou] separation of medical and dispensary practice (practise)
印刷業[insatsugyou] printing business
因業[ingou] heartless
営業[eigyou] business
営業マン[eigyouman] salesman
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
exclude; division (x; 3); remove; abolish; cancel; except

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Popularity rank: 594 Pinyin: chú Korean: je Hán-Việt: trừ
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-7


汚染除去[osenjokyo] decontamination
加減乗除[kagenjoujo] the four arithmetical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
加除[kajo] insertion and deletion
加除式[kajoshiki] looseleaf
課税控除[kazeikoujo] tax exemption
解除[kaijo] cancellation
刈除[gaijo] removal
駆除[kujo] extermination
欠除[ketsujo] lusting
後述の場合を除き[koujutsunobaaiwonozoki] except as noted below
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 1131 Pinyin: xuě, xuè Korean: seol Hán-Việt: tuyết
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-8-3


雨混じりの雪[amemajirinoyuki] snow mingled with rain
花吹雪[hanafubuki] falling cherry blossoms
雪崩れる[nadareru] to slope
蛍雪の功[keisetsunokou] the fruit of diligent study
降雪[kousetsu] snowfall
豪雪[gousetsu] tremendous snowfall
細雪[sasameyuki] light snow fall
初雪[hatsuyuki] first snow (of season)
除雪[josetsu] snow removal
除雪車[josetsusha] snow-plow
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