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Search Kanji for 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提


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Popularity rank: 14 Pinyin: sān Korean: sam Hán-Việt: tam, tám
Stroke counts: 3 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-1-2


御三時[osanji] three-o'clock snack
三鞭酒[shanpen] champagne
球面三角法[kyuumensankakuhou] spherical trigonometry
胸三寸[munesanzun] heart
元三[ganzan] New Year's period (January 1st to 3rd)
五十三次[gojuusantsugi] the 53 Toukaidou stages
向こう三軒[mukousangen] one's next three neighbors
降三世明王[gouzanzemyouou] Trailokyavijaya Vidya-raja
再三[saisan] again and again
再三再四[saisansaishi] repeatedly
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many; frequent; much

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Popularity rank: 139 Pinyin: duō Korean: da Hán-Việt: đa
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-3-3


於多福[otafuku] homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
圧倒的多数[attoutekitasuu] overwhelming numbers
一妻多夫[issaitafu] polyandry
一番多い[ichibanooi] most numerous
一夫多妻[ipputasai] polygamy
引く手数多[hikuteamata] being very popular
過多[kata] excess
幾多[ikuta] many
ご多忙中[gotabouchuu] in the midst of your work (often used as a formal phrase in business letters, etc.)
好事魔多し[koujimaooshi] Lights are usually followed by shadows
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
propose; take along; carry in hand

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Popularity rank: 254 Pinyin: tí, dī, shí Korean: je, si Hán-Việt: đề, thì, để
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-9


技術提携[gijutsuteikei] technical cooperation
逆提案[gyakuteian] counter-proposal
業務提携[gyoumuteikei] business partnership
再提案[saiteian] proposing again
手提[tesage] handbag
戦略的提携[senryakutekiteikei] strategic partnership
前提[zentei] preamble
前提条件[zenteijouken] precondition
提げる[sageru] to take along
提案[teian] proposal
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gauze; thin silk; Rome

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Popularity rank: 1831 Pinyin: luó, luō Korean: ra Hán-Việt: la
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-14


阿呆陀羅[ahondara] fool
尼羅[nairu] Nile (river)
欧羅巴[yooroppa] Europe
羅典[raten] Latin (language)
羅甸語[ratengo] Latin
羅馬字[roomaji] Latin alphabet
伽羅[kyara] aloes wood
迦楼羅[karura] Garuda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth)
我武者羅[gamushara] reckless
甲羅[koura] shell
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: nòu Korean: nu Hán-Việt: nậu
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-6-10


阿耨多羅三藐三菩提[anokutarasanmyakusanbodai] anuttara samyak sambodhi (supreme perfect enlightenment)
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kind of grass; sacred tree

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Popularity rank: 2086 Pinyin: Korean: bo Hán-Việt: bồ
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 2-4-8


菩薩[bosatsu] bodhisattva
菩提樹[bodaiju] lime tree
菩提[bodai] bodhi
如菩薩[nyobosatsu] Buddha-like compassion
菩提心[bodaishin] aspiration for Buddhahood
菩提寺[bodaiji] one's family temple
発菩提心[hatsubodaishin] deciding to embrace Buddhism
菩提を弔う[bodaiwotomurau] to hold a memorial service for the dead, praying for their happiness in the next life by chanting sutras
弥勒菩薩[mirokubosatsu] Maitreya
南無八幡大菩薩[namuhachimandaibosatsu] O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy!
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
make light of; far away; beautiful

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Pinyin: miǎo Korean: myo Hán-Việt: miểu, mạc
Stroke counts: 18 Skip code: 2-4-14


阿耨多羅三藐三菩提[anokutarasanmyakusanbodai] anuttara samyak sambodhi (supreme perfect enlightenment)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Africa; flatter; fawn upon; corner; nook; recess

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Popularity rank: 1126 Pinyin: ā, ē, a, á, à Korean: a, og Hán-Việt: a, á
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-5


阿吽の呼吸[aunnokokyuu] the harmonizing, mentally and physically, of two parties engaged in an activity
阿呆陀羅[ahondara] fool
阿蘭陀[oranda] Holland
阿ねる[omoneru] to flatter
阿多福[otafuku] homely woman (esp. one with a small low nose, high flat forehead, and bulging cheeks)
阿鼻叫喚[abikyoukan] agonizing cries
阿片窟[ahenkutsu] opium den
阿弥陀[amida] Amitabha
阿呍[aun] Om
阿諛[ayu] flattery
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