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Search Kanji for 開襟ャ

collar; neck; lapel

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Popularity rank: 2030 Pinyin: jīn Korean: geum Hán-Việt: khâm
Stroke counts: 18 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-5-13


開襟シャツ[kaikinshatsu] open-collared shirt
共襟[tomoeri] same-colored neckband (coloured)
胸襟[kyoukin] one's heart
襟巻[erimaki] muffler
襟巻き蜥蜴[erimakitokage] frilled lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii)
襟元[erimoto] front of neck
襟首[erikubi] nape of neck
襟足[eriashi] nape of neck
襟髪[erigami] scruff of neck
半襟[haneri] quality collar for an under kimono
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
open; unfold; unseal

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Popularity rank: 59 Pinyin: kāi Korean: gae Hán-Việt: khai
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-8-4


インフラ開発[infurakaihatsu] infrastructure development
テキスト開始[tekisutokaishi] start of text
ヘッディング開始[heddingukaishi] start of heading
押開ける[oshiakeru] to force open
沖縄開発庁長官[okinawakaihatsuchouchoukan] Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
開き直る[hirakinaoru] to become defiant
開く[hiraku] to open (e.g. a bank-account, festival, etc.)
開ける[akeru] to open (a door, etc.)
開ける[hirakeru] to become opened up
開け閉て[aketate] opening and shutting
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0