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Search Kanji for 長尺映画

shaku; Japanese foot; measure; scale; rule

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Popularity rank: 1940 Pinyin: chǐ, chě Korean: cheog Hán-Việt: xích
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-3-1


一尺[isshaku] approx. 30 cm
滑り尺[suberijaku] slide rule
計算尺[keisanjaku] slide rule
三尺[sanjaku] 3 Japanese feet
三尺の秋水[sanjakunoshuusui] sharpened sword
三尺の童子[sanjakunodouji] mere child
三尺帯[sanjakuobi] waistband
尺貫法[shakkanhou] old Japanese system of weights and measures
尺度[shakudo] linear measure
reflect; reflection; projection

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Popularity rank: 404 Pinyin: yìng Korean: yeong Hán-Việt: ánh
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-4-5


ちゃんばら映画[chanbaraeiga] samurai movie
ニュース映画[nyuusueiga] newsreel
映る[utsuru] to be reflected
映画[eiga] movie
映画化[eigaka] making (book) into film
映画監督[eigakantoku] movie (film) director
映画館[eigakan] movie theatre (theater)
映画社[eigasha] movie company
映画評[eigahyou] film critique
映写[eisha] projection
brush-stroke; picture

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Popularity rank: 199 Pinyin: huà Korean: hwa, hoeg Hán-Việt: họa, hoạch
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-2-6


ちゃんばら映画[chanbaraeiga] samurai movie
ニュース映画[nyuusueiga] newsreel
移行計画[ikoukeikaku] transition plan
一画[ikkaku] one plot (of land)
印画[inga] (photographic) print
陰画紙[ingashi] (photographic) printing paper
陰画[inga] (photographic) negative
影画[kagee] silhouette
映画[eiga] movie
映画化[eigaka] making (book) into film
long; leader

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Popularity rank: 12 Pinyin: cháng, zhǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trường, trưởng, trướng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-8-1


イ長調[ichouchou] A major
データビット長[deetabittochou] data bit length
ト長調[tochouchou] G major
ニ長調[nichouchou] D major
ハ長調[hachouchou] C major
ヘ長調[hechouchou] F major
ホ長調[hochouchou] E major
ロ長調[rochouchou] B major
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
意味深長[imishinchou] with profound (often hidden) meaning