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Search Kanji for 這い

crawl; creep; grovel; trail (vines)

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Pinyin: zhè, zhèi Korean: jeo, eon Hán-Việt: giá, nghiện
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 3-4-7


四つん這い[yottsunbai] (crawl) on all fours
出這入り[dehairi] in and out
這入り込む[irikomu] to go into
這入る[hairu] to enter
這い松[haimatsu] creeping pine
這い這い[haihai] creeping
這う[hau] to creep
腹這い[harabai] lying on one's belly
夜這い[yobai] creeping at night into a woman's bedroom
這い回る[haimawaru] to creep about
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