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Search Kanji for 趣旨

delicious; relish; show a liking for; purport; will; clever; expert

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Popularity rank: 1166 Pinyin: zhǐ Korean: ji Hán-Việt: chỉ
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-2-4


叡旨[eishi] the emperor's instructions
奥旨[oushi] deep truth
大旨[oomune] in general
厳旨[genshi] strict order
旨い[umai] skillful
旨い汁[umaishiru] the lion's share
旨がる[umagaru] to relish
旨く[umaku] skilfully
旨く行く[umakuiku] to go smoothly
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gist; proceed to; tend; become

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Popularity rank: 1153 Pinyin: qù, cù Korean: chwi, chug Hán-Việt: thú, xúc
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 3-7-8


悪趣味[akushumi] bad taste
意趣[ishu] grudge
佳趣[kashu] good taste
雅趣[gashu] elegance
帰趣[kishu] direction
興趣[kyoushu] interest (in something)
趣き[omomuki] meaning
趣向[shukou] plan
趣好[shukou] partiality
趣旨[shushi] meaning
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0