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Search Kanji for 資本流出

exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude

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Popularity rank: 13 Pinyin: chū Korean: chul, chu Hán-Việt: xuất, xúy
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


御出でになる[oideninaru] to be
御目出度う御座います[omedetougozaimasu] congratulations
曝け出す[sarakedasu] to expose
出来るようになる[dekiruyouninaru] (something) has become possible
グループ見出し[guruupumidashi] group heading
圧出[asshutsu] pressing out
案出[anshutsu] contrivance
移出[ishutsu] export
溢れ出る[afurederu] to overflow from something full
逸出[isshutsu] escape
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things

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Popularity rank: 10 Pinyin: běn Korean: bon Hán-Việt: bổn, bản, bôn
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-3


本の[honno] mere
異本[ihon] different edition
一坪本社[hitotsubohonsha] small company headquarters located in Tokyo simply for name value
一本[ippon] one long cylindrical thing
一本気[ippongi] single-minded (esp. personality or person)
一本橋[ipponbashi] (a) log bridge
一本建て[ippondate] (a) single standard
一本松[ipponmatsu] solitary pine tree
一本杉[ipponsugi] (a) solitary cryptomeria tree
一本槍[ipponyari] guiding principle
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
current; a sink; flow; forfeit

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Popularity rank: 280 Pinyin: liú Korean: ryu Hán-Việt: lưu
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-7


ヨガの流行[yoganoryuukou] the cult of yoga
亜流[aryuu] bad second
暗流[anryuu] undercurrent
一次電流[ichijidenryuu] primary current
一流[ichiryuu] first-class
溢流[itsuryuu] overflow
渦流[karyuu] swirling current
押流す[oshinagasu] to wash away
横流し[yokonagashi] diversion into illegal channels
横流れ[yokonagare] flowing into the black market
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
assets; resources; capital; funds; data; be conducive to; contribute to

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Popularity rank: 179 Pinyin: Korean: ja Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-6-7


隠匿物資[intokubusshi] concealed materials
運転資金[untenshikin] working capital
英資[eishi] brilliant qualities
海外投資[kaigaitoushi] overseas investment
外国投資家[gaikokutoushika] foreign investor
外資[gaishi] foreign capital (e.g. in a company)
学資[gakushi] school expenses
巨資[kyoshi] large capital
軍資[gunshi] war materiel
軍資金[gunshikin] war funds
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0