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Search Kanji for 譚歌

song; sing

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Popularity rank: 519 Pinyin: Korean: ga Hán-Việt: ca
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-10-4


哀歌[aika] lament (song)
愛唱歌[aishouka] (one's) favourite song
詠歌[eika] poem (esp. tanka)
艶歌[enka] enka
応援歌[ouenka] rooters' song
歌い合う[utaiau] to sing responsively
歌い上げる[utaiageru] to sing at the top of one's voice
歌詠み[utayomi] tanka composer
歌会[utakai] poetry party or competition
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Pinyin: tán Korean: dam Hán-Việt: đàm
Stroke counts: 19 Skip code: 1-7-12


民譚集[mindanshuu] collection of folk stories
後日譚[gojitsudan] sequel
異聞奇譚[ibunkitan] strange stories and curious tales
英雄譚[eiyuutan] epic
譚詩曲[tanshikyoku] ballade
譚歌[tanka] ballad
奇譚[kitan] mysterious story
経験譚[keikentan] story recounting one's personal experience
古譚[kotan] old tale
譚詩[tanshi] ballade
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0