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Search Kanji for 諸神

gods; mind; soul

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Popularity rank: 347 Pinyin: shén Korean: sin Hán-Việt: thần
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-4-5


御神酒[omiki] sacred wine or sake
ギリシア神話[girishiashinwa] Greek mythology
悪神[akujin] evil god
圧神[asshin] pressure sensation
安神[anshin] relief
伊勢大神宮[isedaijinguu] the Grand Shrines of Ise
一神教[isshinkyou] monotheism
一神論[isshinron] monotheism
運動神経[undoushinkei] motor nerves
疫病神[yakubyougami] jinx (lit: god of pestilence)
various; many; several; together

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Popularity rank: 658 Pinyin: zhū Korean: je Hán-Việt: chư, gia
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-8


諸に[moroni] completely
欧州諸国[oushuushokoku] European countries
欧米諸言語[oubeishogengo] the languages of Europe and America
欧米諸国[oubeishokoku] the various countries of Europe and America
近隣諸国[kinrinshokoku] neighboring countries
三百諸侯[sanbyakushokou] all the daimyos
社会諸科学[shakaishokagaku] social sciences
周辺諸国[shuuhenshokoku] surrounding countries
諸器械[shokikai] various appliances