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Search Kanji for 語羅甸拉丁

street; ward; town; counter for guns, tools, leaves or cakes of something; even number; 4th calendar sign

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Popularity rank: 1312 Pinyin: dīng, zhēng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: đinh, chênh, trành
Stroke counts: 2 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-2-1


丁髷[chonmage] topknot (hair style)
丁抹[denmaaku] Denmark
沃度丁幾[youdochinki] tincture of iodine
拉丁[raten] Latin (language)
拉丁語[ratengo] Latin
亜爾然丁[aruzenchin] Argentina
一丁[icchou] one sheet
一丁字[itteiji] single letter or character
一丁目[icchoume] Block 1
吉丁虫[tamamushi] jewel beetle
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Latin; kidnap; crush

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Pinyin: lā, lá, lǎ Korean: rab Hán-Việt: lạp
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-5


拉麺[raamen] ramen (Chinese-style noodles)
拉丁[raten] Latin (language)
拉丁語[ratengo] Latin
亜拉毘亜[arabia] Arabia
拉致[rachi] taking captive
取拉ぐ[torihishigu] to crush
踏み拉く[fumishidaku] to trample
打ち拉がれる[uchihishigareru] to be stricken (e.g. with grief)
打ち拉ぐ[uchihishigu] to crush (with the weight of misfortune)
拉げる[hishigeru] to be crushed
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
region around the imperial capital; outskirts

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Pinyin: diàn Korean: jeon, seung Hán-Việt: điện, điền
Stroke counts: 7 Skip code: 3-2-5


緬甸[biruma] Burma
羅甸語[ratengo] Latin
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gauze; thin silk; Rome

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Popularity rank: 1831 Pinyin: luó, luō Korean: ra Hán-Việt: la
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-14


阿呆陀羅[ahondara] fool
尼羅[nairu] Nile (river)
欧羅巴[yooroppa] Europe
羅典[raten] Latin (language)
羅甸語[ratengo] Latin
羅馬字[roomaji] Latin alphabet
伽羅[kyara] aloes wood
迦楼羅[karura] Garuda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth)
我武者羅[gamushara] reckless
甲羅[koura] shell
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
word; speech; language

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Popularity rank: 301 Pinyin: yǔ, yù Korean: eo Hán-Việt: ngữ, ngứ
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-7-7


オブジェクト指向言語[obujekutoshikougengo] object-oriented language
コンピュータ用語[konpyuutayougo] computerese
スウェーデン語[suweedengo] Swedish (language)
スペイン語[supeingo] Spanish (language)
スワヒリ語[suwahirigo] Swahili (language)
チャン語[chango] Chinese (language)
ドイツ語[doitsugo] German (language)
フランス語[furansugo] French (language)
プログラム言語[puroguramugengo] programming language
ペルシャ語[perushago] Persian (language)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0