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Search Kanji for 誓約

promise; approximately; shrink

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Popularity rank: 94 Pinyin: yuē, yāo Korean: yag, yo Hán-Việt: ước
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-3


安全保障条約[anzenhoshoujouyaku] US-Japan Security Treaty
違約[iyaku] breach of contract
違約金[iyakukin] penalty for contract breach
一粒子既約[ichiryuushikiyaku] one particle irreducible (physics)
化学兵器禁止条約[kagakuheikikinshijouyaku] chemical weapons ban treaty
仮条約[karijouyaku] provisional treaty
会う約束[auyakusoku] rendezvous
会員規約[kaiinkiyaku] membership agreement (e.g. for a credit card)
解約[kaiyaku] cancellation of contract
確約[kakuyaku] firm promise
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
vow; swear; pledge

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Popularity rank: 1567 Pinyin: shì Korean: seo Hán-Việt: thệ
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-7-7


祈誓[kisei] vow
偽り誓う[itsuwarichikau] to swear falsely
偽誓[gisei] perjury
修道誓願[shuudouseigan] vows of religious orders
誓い[chikai] oath
誓う[chikau] to swear
誓願[seigan] vow (e.g. religious)
誓言[seigen] attestation
誓文[seimon] written oath
誓約[seiyaku] written vow
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0