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Search Kanji for 詩歌管弦

bowstring; chord; hypotenuse

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Popularity rank: 1773 Pinyin: xián Korean: hyeon Hán-Việt: huyền
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-5


ギターの弦[gitaanogen] guitar string
一弦琴[ichigenkin] single-stringed Japanese zither
下弦[kagen] (moon's) last quarter
下弦の月[kagennotsuki] waning moon
管弦[kangen] wind and string instruments
管弦楽[kangengaku] orchestral music
管弦楽団[kangengakudan] orchestra
弓弦[yumizuru] bowstring
弦音[tsuruoto] sound of vibrating bowstring
弦楽[gengaku] music for strings
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
song; sing

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Popularity rank: 519 Pinyin: Korean: ga Hán-Việt: ca
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-10-4


哀歌[aika] lament (song)
愛唱歌[aishouka] (one's) favourite song
詠歌[eika] poem (esp. tanka)
艶歌[enka] enka
応援歌[ouenka] rooters' song
歌い合う[utaiau] to sing responsively
歌い上げる[utaiageru] to sing at the top of one's voice
歌詠み[utayomi] tanka composer
歌会[utakai] poetry party or competition
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
pipe; tube; wind instrument; drunken talk; control; jurisdiction

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Popularity rank: 517 Pinyin: guǎn Korean: gwan Hán-Việt: quản
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-9-5


只管[hitasura] nothing but
ブラウン管[buraunkan] cathode-ray tube
為替管理[kawasekanri] exchange control
移管[ikan] transfer of control
一管[ikkan] one flute
陰極線管[inkyokusenkan] cathode-ray tube
烟管[enkan] kiseru
煙管[kiseru] (tobacco) pipe with metal tipped stem
鉛管[enkan] lead pipe
下水管[gesuikan] sewer pipe
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
poem; poetry

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Popularity rank: 1196 Pinyin: shī Korean: si Hán-Việt: thi
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-6


哀詩[aishi] elegy
英詩[eishi] English poetry
漢詩[kanshi] Chinese poetry
狂詩曲[kyoushikyoku] rhapsody
吟遊詩人[ginyuushijin] troubadour
桂冠詩人[keikanshijin] poet laureate
劇詩[gekishi] dramatic poetry
原詩[genshi] original poem
現代詩[gendaishi] modern poetry
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0