印半纏[shirushibanten] livery coat 纏いつく[matoitsuku] to entwine 纏う[matou] to put on 纏まり[matomari] unity 纏め[matome] settlement
纏める[matomeru] to collect 纏る[matsuwaru] to be related to 袢纏[hanten] traditional short winter coat resembling a haori without gussets 付き纏う[tsukimatou] to follow around 一纏め[hitomatome] bundle
袢天[hanten] traditional short winter coat resembling a haori without gussets 襦袢[juban] undershirt 肌襦袢[hadajuban] (Japanese-style) undershirt worn under nagajuban
肉襦袢[nikujuban] flesh-colored leotards 長襦袢[nagajuban] long, kimono-like garment, made of light fabric and worn under the kimono