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Search Kanji for 螟蛉

dragonfly; moon moth

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Pinyin: líng Korean: ryeong Hán-Việt: linh
Stroke counts: 11 Skip code: 1-6-5


竹蜻蛉[taketonbo] small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
蜻蛉返り[tonbogaeri] somersault
蜻蛉[fuyuu] mayfly
蜻蛉[tonbo] dragonfly
尻切れ蜻蛉[shirikiretonbo] leaving unfinished
塩辛蜻蛉[shiokaratonbo] Orthetrum albistylum speciosum (subspecies of white-tailed skimmer)
糸蜻蛉[itotonbo] damselfly
赤蜻蛉[akatonbo] (small) red dragonfly
麦藁蜻蛉[mugiwaratonbo] dragonfly
極楽蜻蛉[gokurakutonbo] happy-go-lucky fellow
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
injurious parasite

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Pinyin: míng Korean: myeong Hán-Việt: minh
Stroke counts: 16 Skip code: 1-6-10


螟蛾[meiga] pyralid (any moth of family Pyralidae, many of which have larvae that devour foodstuffs)
螟虫[zuimushi] pyralid larva
一点大螟蛾[ittenoomeiga] yellow stem borer (species of moth, Scirpophaga incertulas)
三化螟蛾[sankameiga] yellow stem borer (species of moth, Scirpophaga incertulas)
二化螟蛾[nikameiga] striped stem borer (species of moth, Chilo suppressalis)
稲の螟虫[inenozuimushi] striped stem borer larva
螟蛉[meirei] hornworm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0