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Search Kanji for 蛍烏賊

crow; raven

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Popularity rank: 2042 Pinyin: wū, wù Korean: o Hán-Việt: ô
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 3-6-4


烏龍茶[uuroncha] oolong tea
烏の行水[karasunogyouzui] quick bath
烏の濡れ羽色[karasunonurebairo] glossy black (hair)
烏羽玉[ubatama] jet black
烏羽色[karasubairo] glossy black
烏貝[karasugai] cockscomb pearl mussel (Cristaria plicata)
烏金[karasugane] money lent at daily interest
烏口[karasuguchi] ruling pen
烏合の衆[ugounoshuu] disorderly crowd
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
lightning-bug; firefly

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Popularity rank: 2031 Pinyin: yíng Korean: hyeong Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-3-8


蛍光塗料[keikoutoryou] fluorescent paint
蛍光物質[keikoubusshitsu] fluorescent substance
蛍狩り[hotarugari] firefly catching
蛍雪の功[keisetsunokou] the fruit of diligent study
蛍火[hotarubi] light of a firefly
蛍光[keikou] fluorescence
蛍光燈[keikoutou] fluorescent lamp
蛍烏賊[hotaruika] firefly squid (Watasenia scintillans)
蛍石[hotaruishi] fluorite
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
burglar; rebel; traitor; robber

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Popularity rank: 2045 Pinyin: zéi, zé Korean: jeog Hán-Việt: tặc
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-7-6


烏賊[ika] cuttlefish
海賊[kaizoku] pirate
海賊の髑髏[kaizokunodokuro] skull and crossbones (pirate flag)
巨賊[kyozoku] big-time bandit
国賊[kokuzoku] traitor
山賊[sanzoku] bandit
障泥烏賊[aoriika] bigfin reef squid
鼠賊[sozoku] petty thief
賊軍[zokugun] rebel army
賊名[zokumei] (the stigma of) the name of "rebel"
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0