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Search Kanji for 薄物羅

thing; object; matter

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Popularity rank: 215 Pinyin: Korean: mul Hán-Việt: vật
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-4-4


御召し物[omeshimono] clothing
と言う物[toiumono] something like ...
物にする[mononisuru] to get
クローン動物[kuroondoubutsu] cloned animal
シアン化合物[shiankagoubutsu] cyanide
シアン化物[shiankabutsu] cyanide
弗化物[fukkabutsu] fluoride
亜麻織物[amaorimono] flax fabrics
安物[yasumono] cheap article
異物[ibutsu] foreign substance
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gauze; thin silk; Rome

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Popularity rank: 1831 Pinyin: luó, luō Korean: ra Hán-Việt: la
Stroke counts: 19 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-14


阿呆陀羅[ahondara] fool
尼羅[nairu] Nile (river)
欧羅巴[yooroppa] Europe
羅典[raten] Latin (language)
羅甸語[ratengo] Latin
羅馬字[roomaji] Latin alphabet
伽羅[kyara] aloes wood
迦楼羅[karura] Garuda or Garua (man-bird deity and 'vahana' of Hindu-Buddhist myth)
我武者羅[gamushara] reckless
甲羅[koura] shell
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
dilute; thin; weak (tea)

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Popularity rank: 1009 Pinyin: bó, báo, bò Korean: bag Hán-Việt: bạc, bác
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-13


犬薄荷[inuhakka] catnip (Nepeta cataria)
意志薄弱[ishihakujaku] weak-willed
佳人薄命[kajinhakumei] beauties die young
極薄[kyokuhaku] ultrathinness
軽薄[keihaku] frivolous
軽佻浮薄[keichoufuhaku] frivolous and thoughtless
厚薄[kouhaku] thickness
精神薄弱[seishinhakujaku] mental retardation
精薄[seihaku] mental retardation (pejorative)
浅薄[senpaku] shallowness
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0