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Search Kanji for 蔑称

appellation; praise; admire; name; title; fame

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Popularity rank: 985 Pinyin: chēng, chèn, chèng Korean: ching Hán-Việt: xưng, xứng
Stroke counts: 10 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-5-5


愛称[aishou] pet name
異称[ishou] alias
一人称[ichininshou] first person
仮称[kashou] temporary name
雅称[gashou] correct name
改称[kaishou] renaming
偽称[gishou] assuming a false name
旧称[kyuushou] old name
敬称[keishou] title of honour
謙称[kenshou] refer to modestly
ignore; despise; neglect; ridicule

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Popularity rank: 2483 Pinyin: miè Korean: myeol Hán-Việt: miệt
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-4-11


軽蔑[keibetsu] scorn
侮蔑[bubetsu] scorn
蔑む[sagesumu] to scorn
蔑ろ[naigashiro] a slight
蔑ろにする[naigashironisuru] to make light of
蔑視[besshi] contempt
蔑称[besshou] disparaging words
軽蔑語[keibetsugo] pejorative term
女性蔑視[joseibesshi] discrimination against women
蔑する[namisuru] to set at naught