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Search Kanji for 茶漉し

manufacture paper; spread out thin; strain; percolate

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Pinyin: Korean: rog Hán-Việt: lộc
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 1-3-11


漉す[kosu] to filter
絹漉し[kinugoshi] filtering or straining through silk cloth
手漉[tesuki] handmade paper
茶漉し[chakoshi] tea strainer
紙漉き[kamisuki] paper making
漉紙[koshigami] filter paper
水漉し[mizukoshi] water filter
漉し器[koshiki] filter
裏漉し[uragoshi] strainer
漉く[suku] to make something (i.e. paper) from wet, pulpy material by spreading it thin and drying it
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 1116 Pinyin: chá Korean: da, cha Hán-Việt: trà
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-6


御茶[ocha] tea (usu. green)
鳥竜茶[uuroncha] oolong tea
一番茶[ichibancha] first-grade tea (first picking)
黄枯茶[kigaracha] bluish yellow
喫茶[kissa] tea drinking
喫茶店[kissaten] coffee lounge
休茶屋[yasumijaya] wayside teahouse
玄米茶[genmaicha] tea (with roasted rice)
古茶[kocha] last year's tea
口茶[kuchija] adding more tea
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0