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Search Kanji for 英知叡智睿

intelligence; imperial

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Pinyin: ruì Korean: ye Hán-Việt: duệ
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-14-2


叡感[eikan] emperor's approval
叡旨[eishi] the emperor's instructions
叡聞に[eibunni] (in the) emperor's hearing
叡覧[eiran] the emperor's personal inspection
叡慮[eiryo] the emperor's pleasure
比叡山[hieizan] Mt. Hiei (in Kyoto)
叡智[eichi] wisdom
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
wisdom; intellect; reason

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Popularity rank: 1002 Pinyin: zhì Korean: ji Hán-Việt: trí
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-4


智利[chiri] Chile
上智[jouchi] supreme wisdom
仁義礼智信[jingireichishin] the 5 Confucian virtues (benevolence, justice, courtesy, wisdom, and sincerity)
仁智[jinchi] benevolence and wisdom
世智[sechi] worldly wisdom
智慧[chie] wisdom
智識[chishiki] knowledge
入れ智慧[iredie] suggestion
不智[fuchi] something unknown
無智[muchi] ignorance
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
intelligence; imperial

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Pinyin: ruì Korean: ye Hán-Việt: duệ
Stroke counts: 14 Skip code: 2-4-10


睿智[eichi] wisdom
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
know; wisdom

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Popularity rank: 205 Pinyin: zhī, zhì Korean: ji Hán-Việt: tri, trí
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-5-3


御知らせ[oshirase] notice
かも知れない[kamoshirenai] may
かも知れません[kamoshiremasen] may
愛知県[aichiken] Aichi prefecture (Chuubu area)
井の中の蛙大海を知らず[inonakanokawazutaikaiwoshirazu] parochial
一知半解[icchihankai] superficial knowledge
伺い知る[ukagaishiru] to perceive
窺知[kichi] perception
恩知らず[onshirazu] ingratitude
われ知らず[wareshirazu] involuntarily
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
England; English

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Popularity rank: 430 Pinyin: yīng Korean: yeong Hán-Việt: anh
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-5


英吉利[igirisu] Great Britain
育英[ikuei] education
育英会[ikueikai] scholarship society
英会話[eikaiwa] English conversation
英気[eiki] great wisdom
英京[eikyou] London (British capital)
英語[eigo] English (language)
英語基礎能力試験[eigokisonouryokushiken] English Language Proficiency Test
英語版[eigoban] English version
英国[eikoku] Great Britain
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0