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Search Kanji for 育英会

meeting; meet; party; association; interview; join

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Popularity rank: 4 Pinyin: huì, kuài Korean: hoe, goe, gwal Hán-Việt: hội, cối
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-3-3


カード会員[kaadokaiin] (credit) card holder
ユダヤ教会堂[yudayakyoukaidou] synagogue
委員会[iinkai] committee
医会[ikai] medical society
医師会[ishikai] medical association
井戸端会議[idobatakaigi] content-free chat
育英会[ikueikai] scholarship society
一期一会[ichigoichie] once-in-a-lifetime encounter (hence should be cherished as such)
一般会計[ippankaikei] general accounting and finance
一般社会[ippanshakai] general public
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
bring up; grow up; raise; rear

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Popularity rank: 369 Pinyin: Korean: yug Hán-Việt: dục
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-4-4


愛育[aiiku] tender nurture
安全教育[anzenkyouiku] safety education
育ち[sodachi] breeding
育ちゆく[sodachiyuku] to grow up
育つ[sodatsu] to be raised (e.g. child)
育て[sodate] bringing up
育ての親[sodatenooya] foster parents
育てる[sodateru] to raise
育てあげる[sodateageru] to raise (to maturity)
育て親[sodateoya] foster parent
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
England; English

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Popularity rank: 430 Pinyin: yīng Korean: yeong Hán-Việt: anh
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-3-5


英吉利[igirisu] Great Britain
育英[ikuei] education
育英会[ikueikai] scholarship society
英会話[eikaiwa] English conversation
英気[eiki] great wisdom
英京[eikyou] London (British capital)
英語[eigo] English (language)
英語基礎能力試験[eigokisonouryokushiken] English Language Proficiency Test
英語版[eigoban] English version
英国[eikoku] Great Britain
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0