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Search Kanji for 聞齧

hear; ask; listen

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Popularity rank: 319 Pinyin: wén, wèn Korean: mun Hán-Việt: văn, vấn
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-8-6


スポーツ新聞[supootsushinbun] sporting newspaper
悪徳新聞[akutokushinbun] irresponsible newspaper
逸聞[itsubun] something unheard of
叡聞に[eibunni] (in the) emperor's hearing
下聞[kabun] enquiring beforehand
下聞き[shitagiki] enquiring beforehand
寡聞[kabun] limited information
怪聞[kaibun] strange rumor
外聞[gaibun] reputation
旧聞[kyuubun] old news
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
gnaw; nibble; munch; have a smattering of

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Pinyin: niè Korean: seol Hán-Việt: niết, khiết
Stroke counts: 21 Skip code: 2-6-15


生齧り[namakajiri] superficial knowledge
聞き齧る[kikikajiru] to have a smattering knowledge of
齧り散らす[kajirichirasu] to gnaw at and scatter around
齧りつく[kaburitsuku] to bite into
齧歯類[gesshirui] rodent
齧る[kajiru] to chew
脛齧り[sunekajiri] sponging off one's parents
食い齧る[kuikajiru] to nibble at
齧歯目[gesshimoku] Rodentia
親の脛を齧る[oyanosunewokajiru] to depend on one's parents' (financial) support
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0