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Search Kanji for 総退却

instead; on the contrary; rather

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Popularity rank: 959 Pinyin: què Korean: gag Hán-Việt: tức
Stroke counts: 7 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-5-2


棄却[kikyaku] rejection
却って[kaette] on the contrary
却下[kyakka] rejection
減価償却[genkashoukyaku] depreciation
償却[shoukyaku] repayment
焼却[shoukyaku] incineration
心頭滅却[shintoumekkyaku] clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts
却ける[shirizokeru] to repel
退却[taikyaku] retreat
脱却[dakkyaku] ridding oneself
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general; whole; all; full; total

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Popularity rank: 129 Pinyin: zǒng Korean: chong Hán-Việt: tổng
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-8


株主総会[kabunushisoukai] general meeting of stockholders
軍医総監[gunisoukan] surgeon general
国内総生産[kokunaisouseisan] gross domestic product
国防総省[kokubousoushou] National Military Establishment
国民総生産[kokuminsouseisan] gross national product
国連事務総長[kokurenjimusouchou] UN Secretary General
国連総会[kokurensoukai] United Nations General Assembly
事務総局[jimusoukyoku] secretariat-general
事務総長[jimusouchou] secretary-general
総書[sousho] series (of publications)
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退 retreat; withdraw; retire; resign; repel; expel; reject

Search dictionary for: 退

Popularity rank: 424 Pinyin: tuì Korean: toe Hán-Việt: thối, thoái
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-6


一進一退[isshinittai] now advancing and now retreating
引退[intai] retire
隠退[intai] retirement
隠退生活[intaiseikatsu] secluded life
遠退く[toonoku] to become distant
遠退ける[toonokeru] to keep (someone) at a distance
押し退ける[oshinokeru] to push aside
撃退[gekitai] repulse
減退[gentai] decline
後退[koutai] retreat
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