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Search Kanji for 総理府務長官

task; duties

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Popularity rank: 111 Pinyin: Korean: mu Hán-Việt: vụ, vũ
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-6


医務[imu] medical affairs
医務室[imushitsu] doctor's office
外務[gaimu] foreign affairs
外務省[gaimushou] Ministry of Foreign Affairs
外務大臣[gaimudaijin] Minister for Foreign Affairs
義務[gimu] duty
義務教育[gimukyouiku] compulsory education
急務[kyuumu] urgent business
教務[kyoumu] school affairs
業務[gyoumu] business
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bureaucrat; the government

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Popularity rank: 230 Pinyin: guān Korean: gwan Hán-Việt: quan
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-3-5


位官[ikan] rank and official position
依願免官[iganmenkan] retirement at one's own request
尉官[ikan] officer below the rank of major
医官[ikan] medical officer
沖縄開発庁長官[okinawakaihatsuchouchoukan] Director General of Okinawa Development Agency
下士官[kashikan] non-commissioned officer
下士官兵[kashikanhei] enlisted man
科学技術庁長官[kagakugijutsuchouchoukan] Director General of Science and Technology Agency
会計官[kaikeikan] accountant
外交官[gaikoukan] diplomat
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borough; urban prefecture; govt office; representative body; storehouse

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Popularity rank: 170 Pinyin: Korean: bu Hán-Việt: phủ
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 3-3-5


仮政府[kariseifu] provisional government
学府[gakufu] educational institution
京都府[kyoutofu] Kyoto (metropolitan area)
軍政府[gunseifu] military government
元帥府[gensuifu] Supreme Military Council (1898-1945)
行政府[gyouseifu] the government
三府[sanpu] the Three Urban Prefectures
暫定政府[zanteiseifu] interim government
首府[shufu] capital
出府[shuppu] going to the capital
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logic; arrangement; reason; justice; truth

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Popularity rank: 86 Pinyin: Korean: ri Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 1-4-7


さまざまな理由から[samazamanariyuukara] for various reasons
ちゃんこ料理[chankoryouri] fish, meat, and vegetable stew traditionally served to wrestlers
イスラム原理主義[isuramugenrishugi] Islamic fundamentalism
鬼理死丹[kirishitan] early Japanese Christianity (from the later Muromachi period)
データ処理[deetashori] data processing
ファジィ理論[fajiiriron] fuzzy theory
為替管理[kawasekanri] exchange control
一品料理[ippinryouri] service a la carte
一理[ichiri] (a) principle
応用物理学[ouyoubutsurigaku] applied physics
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
general; whole; all; full; total

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Popularity rank: 129 Pinyin: zǒng Korean: chong Hán-Việt: tổng
Stroke counts: 14 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-8


株主総会[kabunushisoukai] general meeting of stockholders
軍医総監[gunisoukan] surgeon general
国内総生産[kokunaisouseisan] gross domestic product
国防総省[kokubousoushou] National Military Establishment
国民総生産[kokuminsouseisan] gross national product
国連事務総長[kokurenjimusouchou] UN Secretary General
国連総会[kokurensoukai] United Nations General Assembly
事務総局[jimusoukyoku] secretariat-general
事務総長[jimusouchou] secretary-general
総書[sousho] series (of publications)
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long; leader

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Popularity rank: 12 Pinyin: cháng, zhǎng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trường, trưởng, trướng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-8-1


イ長調[ichouchou] A major
データビット長[deetabittochou] data bit length
ト長調[tochouchou] G major
ニ長調[nichouchou] D major
ハ長調[hachouchou] C major
ヘ長調[hechouchou] F major
ホ長調[hochouchou] E major
ロ長調[rochouchou] B major
委員長[iinchou] committee chairman
意味深長[imishinchou] with profound (often hidden) meaning
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