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Search Kanji for 緊縛

tense; solid; hard; reliable; tight

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Popularity rank: 677 Pinyin: jǐn Korean: gin Hán-Việt: khẩn
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-8-6


緊々[hishihishi] acutely
握り緊める[nigirishimeru] to grasp tightly
緊急[kinkyuu] urgent
緊急着陸[kinkyuuchakuriku] emergency landing
緊縮[kinshuku] shrinkage
緊張[kinchou] tension
緊迫[kinpaku] tension
緊縛[kinbaku] bind tightly
緊密[kinmitsu] rigour
緊要[kinyou] momentous
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
truss; arrest; bind; tie; restrain

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Popularity rank: 1764 Pinyin: Korean: bag Hán-Việt: phược, phọc
Stroke counts: 16 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-6-10


緊縛[kinbaku] bind tightly
金縛り[kanashibari] binding hand and foot
歯を食縛る[hawokuishibaru] to bear up in tragedy
自縄自縛[jijoujibaku] being caught in one's own trap
自縄自縛に陥る[jijoujibakuniochiiru] to be caught in one's own trap
自縛[jibaku] being circumscribed by one's own words and actions
呪縛[jubaku] curse
束縛[sokubaku] restraint
縛り込む[shibarikomu] to bind together
縛り首[shibarikubi] (death by) hanging
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0