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Search Kanji for 絶滅危惧

dangerous; fear; uneasy

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Popularity rank: 606 Pinyin: wēi, wéi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: nguy
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 2-2-4


安危[anki] fate
危うい[ayaui] dangerous
危うく[ayauku] barely
危ない[abunai] dangerous
危ながる[abunagaru] to be afraid of
危なっかしい[abunakkashii] dangerous
危ぶむ[ayabumu] to fear
危める[ayameru] to wound
危絵[abunae] suggestive or indecent picture
危害[kigai] injury
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
fear; be afraid of; dread

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Popularity rank: 2097 Pinyin: Korean: gu Hán-Việt: cụ
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 1-3-8


疑惧[giku] apprehension
惧れる[osoreru] to fear
危惧[kigu] apprehensions
絶滅危惧種[zetsumetsukigushu] endangered species
準絶滅危惧[junzetsumetsukigu] near-threatened (species)
絶滅危惧[zetsumetsukigu] threatened (species)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
destroy; ruin; overthrow; perish

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Popularity rank: 1222 Pinyin: miè Korean: myeol Hán-Việt: diệt
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-10


隠滅[inmetsu] destruction
潰滅[kaimetsu] destruction
撃滅[gekimetsu] destruction
幻滅[genmetsu] disillusionment
攻め滅ぼす[semehorobosu] to attack and overthrow
支離滅裂[shirimetsuretsu] incoherent
自滅[jimetsu] ruining oneself
消滅[shoumetsu] lapse
心頭滅却[shintoumekkyaku] clearing one's mind of all mundane thoughts
生者必滅[shoujahitsumetsu] All living things must die
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
discontinue; beyond; sever; cut off; abstain; interrupt; suppress

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Popularity rank: 784 Pinyin: jué Korean: jeol Hán-Việt: tuyệt
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-6


隔絶[kakuzetsu] isolation
気絶[kizetsu] faint
拒絶[kyozetsu] refusal
拒絶反応[kyozetsuhannou] (organ) rejection
空前絶後[kuuzenzetsugo] (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last
懸絶[kenzetsu] great difference
根絶[konzetsu] eradication
謝絶[shazetsu] refusal
絶えず[taezu] constantly
絶える[taeru] to die out
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0