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Search Kanji for 絶叫ー

shout; exclaim; yell

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Popularity rank: 1426 Pinyin: jiào Korean: gyu Hán-Việt: khiếu
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-3


阿鼻叫喚[abikyoukan] agonizing cries
叫く[wameku] to shout
泣叫ぶ[nakisakebu] to cry and shout
叫び[sakebi] shout
叫び声[sakebigoe] shout
叫ぶ[sakebu] to shout
叫換[kyoukan] shout
叫号[kyougou] crying aloud
絶叫[zekkyou] exclamation
雄叫び[otakebi] war cry
discontinue; beyond; sever; cut off; abstain; interrupt; suppress

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Popularity rank: 784 Pinyin: jué Korean: jeol Hán-Việt: tuyệt
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-6-6


隔絶[kakuzetsu] isolation
気絶[kizetsu] faint
拒絶[kyozetsu] refusal
拒絶反応[kyozetsuhannou] (organ) rejection
空前絶後[kuuzenzetsugo] (so marvelous or horrible that it may be) the first and probably the last
懸絶[kenzetsu] great difference
根絶[konzetsu] eradication
謝絶[shazetsu] refusal
絶えず[taezu] constantly
絶える[taeru] to die out