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Search Kanji for 糟鮫

dregs; sediment; grounds

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Pinyin: zāo Korean: jo Hán-Việt: tao
Stroke counts: 17 Skip code: 1-6-11


酒糟[sakekasu] sake lees
糟汁[kasujiru] soup made with sake lees
糟取り[kasutori] shochu made from sake lees
糟漬[kasuzuke] (fish or vegetables) pickled in sake lees
油糟[aburakasu] oil cake (fertilizer made of oily vegetable dregs)
糟糠[soukou] plain food
搾め糟[shimekasu] oil cake
糟毛[kasuge] roan (type of horse colour (color))
糟鮫[kasuzame] Japanese angel shark (Squatina japonica)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 2244 Pinyin: jiāo Korean: gyo Hán-Việt: giao
Stroke counts: 17 Skip code: 1-11-6


鱘鮫[chouzame] sturgeon (Acipenser mikadoi)
鰐鮫[wanizame] ferocious shark
鮫膚[samehada] rough skin (like that of a shark)
鋸鮫[nokogirizame] saw shark (esp. the Japanese saw shark, Prietiophorus japonicus)
青鮫[aozame] shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)
鮫皮[samegawa] sharkskin
小判鮫[kobanzame] remora
葦切鮫[yoshikirizame] blue shark (Prionace glauca, species of circumglobal requiem shark)
角鮫[tsunozame] dogfish (any shark of family Squalidae)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0