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Search Kanji for 糞溜

collect; gather; be in arrears

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Popularity rank: 2451 Pinyin: liū, liù Korean: ryu Hán-Việt: lựu, lưu
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 9 Skip code: 1-3-10


窪溜まり[kubotamari] hollow
蒸溜[jouryuu] distillation
水溜り[mizutamari] puddle
掃溜[hakidame] rubbish heap
掃き溜めに鶴[hakidamenitsuru] a jewel in a dunghill
分解蒸溜法[bunkaijouryuuhou] cracking (in chemistry)
分溜[bunryuu] fractional distillation (of gasoline, petrol)
糞溜[kusodame] tank for holding excreta (often used for fertilizer) (fertiliser)
肥え溜[koedame] tank for holding excreta (often used for fertilizer) (fertiliser)
溜り[tamari] pile
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
shit; feces; excrement

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Popularity rank: 2473 Pinyin: fèn Korean: bun Hán-Việt: phẩn
Stroke counts: 17 Skip code: 2-6-11


下手糞[hetakuso] extreme clumsiness
胸糞が悪い[munakusogawarui] annoying
人糞[jinpun] night soil
珍糞漢[chinpunkan] babble
糞みそに言う[kusomisoniiu] to verbally attack (violently)
糞度胸[kusodokyou] foolhardiness
糞尿[funnyou] feces and urine
糞便[funben] feces
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0