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Search Kanji for 籬間狭笆架

erect; frame; mount; support; shelf; construct

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Popularity rank: 1555 Pinyin: jià Korean: ga Hán-Việt: giá
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-5-4


衣架[ika] clothes rack
架かる[kakaru] to span
架空[kakuu] aerial
架上[kajou] on the shelf
架設[kasetsu] construction
架線[kasen] aerial wiring
架台[kadai] stand
画架[gaka] easel
高架[kouka] overhead structure
三脚架[sankyakuka] tripodal frame
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
cramped; narrow; contract; tight

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Popularity rank: 1346 Pinyin: xiá Korean: hyeob Hán-Việt: hiệp
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-6


狭い[semai] narrow
狭まる[sebamaru] to narrow
狭める[sebameru] to narrow
狭軌[kyouki] narrow gauge
狭軌鉄道[kyoukitetsudou] narrow-gauge railway
狭義[kyougi] narrow sense (e.g. of a word)
狭苦しい[semakurushii] cramped
狭心症[kyoushinshou] heart attack
狭量[kyouryou] narrow-mindedness
肩身が狭い[katamigasemai] feeling ashamed
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
thorny bamboo; bamboo fence
Pinyin: Korean: pa Hán-Việt: ba
Stroke counts: 10 Skip code: 2-6-4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
rough-woven fence; bamboo hedge

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Pinyin: Korean: ri Hán-Việt: li
Stroke counts: 25 Skip code: 2-6-19


神籬[himorogi] primitive shrine (originally a swath of sacred land surrounded by evergreens; later a decorated sakaki branch on an eight-legged table)
籬垣[masegaki] short roughly woven fence
環状石籬[kanjousekiri] stone circle
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
interval; space

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Popularity rank: 33 Pinyin: jiān, jiàn Korean: gan Hán-Việt: gian, gián, nhàn
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 3-8-4


あっとゆう間に[attoiumani] just like that
此間[konaida] the other day
此の間[konokan] the other day
間誤付かせる[magotsukaseru] to fluster
間誤付く[magotsuku] to be confused
クローン人間[kuroonningen] (human) clone
シゾイド人間[shizoidoningen] schizoid person
ベクトル空間[bekutorukuukan] vector space
π中間子[paichuukanshi] pi meson
位相空間[isoukuukan] phase space (physics)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0