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Search Kanji for 箸休

rest; day off; retire; sleep

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Popularity rank: 642 Pinyin: xiū Korean: hyu Hán-Việt: hưu
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 1-2-4


御休みなさい[oyasuminasai] good night
ひと休み[hitoyasumi] rest
運休[unkyuu] service suspended (e.g. trains)
夏季休暇[kakikyuuka] summer vacation
夏休み[natsuyasumi] summer vacation
閑話休題[kanwakyuudai] Now let's return to the main subject
休め[yasume] (Stand) at ease!
気休め[kiyasume] mere consolation
気休めに[kiyasumeni] for peace of mind
休する[kyuusuru] to come to an end
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

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Popularity rank: 2156 Pinyin: zhù Korean: jeo Hán-Việt: trứ, trợ
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-6-9


火箸[hibashi] long metal chopsticks (for handling charcoal, esp. in a brazier)
わり箸[waribashi] splittable (wood) chopsticks
箸休め[hashiyasume] entremet
箸置[hashioki] chopstick rest
箸箱[hashibako] chopstick case
塗り箸[nuribashi] lacquered chopsticks
菜箸[saibashi] cooking or serving chopsticks
杉箸[sugibashi] chopsticks made of cedar
匕箸[hicho] spoon and chopsticks
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0