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Search Kanji for 笹牛の舌


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Popularity rank: 1202 Pinyin: niú Korean: u Hán-Việt: ngưu
Stroke counts: 4 Grade level: 2 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 4-4-3


雄牛[oushi] bull
牡牛座[oushiza] Taurus (constellation)
乾燥牛乳[kansougyuunyuu] powdered milk
牛脂[gyuushi] beef tallow
牛飼い[ushikai] cattleman
牛耳る[gyuujiru] to control
牛舎[gyuusha] cow shed
牛車[gyuusha] ox carriage (for Heian era nobles)
牛小屋[ushigoya] cow shed
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
bamboo grass; (kokuji)

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Popularity rank: 1743 Pinyin: Korean: se Hán-Việt:
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 9 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-6-4


笹舟[sasabune] toy bamboo-leaf boat
隈笹[kumazasa] kuma bamboo grass (Sasa veitchii)
笹原[sasahara] field of bamboo grass
笹がき[sasagaki] cut into long thin shavings (primarily vegetables), in the manner a pencil is sharpened with a knife
笹身[sasami] high-quality chicken breast meat
笹竹[sasatake] small bamboo
篠笹[shinozasa] bamboo grass
笹蜘蛛[sasagumo] Oxyopes sertatus (species of lynx spider)
東根笹[azumanezasa] Pleioblastus chino (species of bamboo grass)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
tongue; reed; clapper

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Popularity rank: 1830 Pinyin: shé Korean: seol Hán-Việt: thiệt
Stroke counts: 6 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 2-1-5


悪舌[akuzetsu] evil tongue
三寸の舌[sanzunnoshita] eloquent tongue
舌禍[zekka] slip of tongue
舌鼓を打つ[shitatsuzumiwoutsu] to smack one's lips at
舌先[shitasaki] tip of tongue
舌戦[zessen] war of words
舌っ足らず[shitatarazu] lisping
舌打ち[shitauchi] smacking lips
毒舌[dokuzetsu] wicked tongue
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0