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Search Kanji for 立塞がる

close; shut; cover; block; obstruct

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Pinyin: sāi, sài, sè Korean: sae, saeg Hán-Việt: tắc, tái
Stroke counts: 13 Grade level: 8 Skip code: 2-3-10


塞爾維[serubia] Serbia
梗塞[kousoku] stoppage
塞栓[sokusen] embolus
充塞[juusoku] plug
人間万事塞翁が馬[jinkanbanjisaiougauma] inscrutable are the ways of heaven
腸閉塞[chouheisoku] intestinal obstruction
脳硬塞[noukousoku] stroke (blocked blood vessel in brain)
八方塞がり[happoufusagari] all doors closed
閉塞[heisoku] closure
要塞[yousai] fort
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stand up; rise; set up; erect

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Popularity rank: 58 Pinyin: Korean: rib Hán-Việt: lập
Stroke counts: 5 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 4-5-2


ペンキ塗り立て[penkinuritate] wet paint
粟立つ[awadatsu] to have gooseflesh (cold or horror)
安心立命[anshinritsumei] spiritual peace and enlightenment
一頭立て[ittoudate] one-horse (carriage)
一本立ち[ippondachi] independence
引立つ[hikitatsu] to become active
隠し立て[kakushidate] secrecy
永世中立[eiseichuuritsu] permanent neutrality
永世中立国[eiseichuuritsukoku] permanent neutral country
推し立てる[oshitateru] to set up
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0