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Search Kanji for 空威張

intimidate; dignity; majesty; menace; threaten

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Popularity rank: 1103 Pinyin: wēi Korean: wi Hán-Việt: uy
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 4-9-4


諾威[noruwee] Norway
威圧[iatsu] coercion
威嚇[ikaku] menace
威嚇射撃[ikakushageki] warning shot
威喝[ikatsu] threatening
威儀[igi] dignity
威権[iken] authority
威厳[igen] dignity
威光[ikou] power
威信[ishin] dignity
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lengthen; counter for bows & stringed instruments; stretch; spread; put up (tent)

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Popularity rank: 403 Pinyin: zhāng Korean: jang Hán-Việt: trương, trướng
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-3-8


矢っ張し[yappashi] also
ガラス張り[garasubari] glass-sided
威張り散らす[ibarichirasu] to domineer
意張る[ebaru] to be proud
意地っ張り[ijippari] obstinacy
一閑張り[ikkanbari] lacquered papier-mache
一張[icchou] one pair (set) of clothes
一張一弛[icchouisshi] tension and relaxation
一点張り[ittenbari] persistence
引っ張たく[hippataku] to slap
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum

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Popularity rank: 304 Pinyin: kōng, kòng Korean: gong Hán-Việt: không, khống, khổng
Stroke counts: 8 Grade level: 1 JLPT level: 4 Skip code: 2-5-3


空オケ[karaoke] karaoke (singing to taped accompaniment)
ベクトル空間[bekutorukuukan] vector space
茜さす空[akanesasusora] glowing sky
圧搾空気[assakukuuki] compressed air
圧縮空気[asshukukuuki] compressed air
位相空間[isoukuukan] phase space (physics)
宇宙空間[uchuukuukan] outer space
雨空[amazora] rainy sky
英国航空[eikokukoukuu] British Airways
仮想空間[kasoukuukan] virtual space (e.g. in computer graphics)
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