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Search Kanji for 程度副詞

vice-; assistant; aide; duplicate; copy

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Popularity rank: 360 Pinyin: Korean: bu, bog Hán-Việt: phó, phức
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-9-2


上級副社長[joukyuufukushachou] senior vice president
正副[seifuku] original and copy
副う[sou] to meet (one's expectations, etc.)
副因[fukuin] secondary cause
副会長[fukukaichou] vice president (of a club or organization, organisation)
副議長[fukugichou] vice-chairman
副業[fukugyou] side job
副見出し[fukumidashi] subhead
副作用[fukusayou] reaction
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
degrees; occurrence; time; counter for occurrences

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Popularity rank: 110 Pinyin: dù, duó, duò Korean: do, tag Hán-Việt: độ, đạc
Stroke counts: 9 Grade level: 3 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 3-3-5


御目出度う御座います[omedetougozaimasu] congratulations
急度[kitto] surely
此度[konotabi] this occasion
その都度[sonotsudo] each time it happens
度に[tabini] each time
の度に[notabini] on the occasion of
印度[indo] India
印度支那[indoshina] Indochina
沃度丁幾[youdochinki] tincture of iodine
悪性度[akuseido] malignancy
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
extent; degree; law; formula; distance; limits; amount

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Popularity rank: 514 Pinyin: chéng Korean: jeong Hán-Việt: trình
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-7


それ程[sorehodo] to that degree
程々[hodohodo] moderately
マルコフ過程[marukofukatei] Markov process
音程[ontei] musical interval
課程[katei] course
過程[katei] process
会議日程[kaiginittei] conference program
改革過程[kaikakukatei] reform process
確率過程[kakuritsukatei] stochastic process
規程[kitei] official regulations
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
part of speech; words; poetry

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Popularity rank: 1636 Pinyin: Korean: sa Hán-Việt: từ
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 6 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-7-5


哀詞[aishi] message of condolence
一段動詞[ichidandoushi] ichidan verb (one of the two main conjugation classes of verbs in modern Japanese, usually ending in -eru or -iru)
可能動詞[kanoudoushi] potential verb
歌詞[kashi] song lyrics
賀詞[gashi] congratulations
賀詞交換[gashikoukan] New Year greetings (parties)
冠詞[kanshi] article
感動詞[kandoushi] interjection
間投詞[kantoushi] interjection
疑問詞[gimonshi] interrogative word
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0