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Search Kanji for 硬質陶器

utensil; vessel; receptacle; implement; instrument; ability; container; tool; set

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Popularity rank: 525 Pinyin: Korean: gi Hán-Việt: khí
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 4 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 4-15-1


アナログデジタル変換器[anarogudejitaruhenkanki] analog-digital converter
圧搾器[assakuki] compression
圧力調整器[atsuryokuchouseiki] pressure regulator
安全器[anzenki] safety device
安定器[anteiki] stabilizer
医療器械[iryoukikai] medical appliances
育雛器[ikusuuki] breeder
化学兵器[kagakuheiki] chemical weapons
化学兵器禁止条約[kagakuheikikinshijouyaku] chemical weapons ban treaty
加減抵抗器[kagenteikouki] rheostat
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
stiff; hard

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Popularity rank: 1101 Pinyin: yìng Korean: gyeong Hán-Việt: ngạnh
Stroke counts: 12 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 2 Skip code: 1-5-7


肝硬変[kankouhen] cirrhosis of the liver
強硬[kyoukou] firm
強硬派[kyoukouha] diehards
硬い[katai] hard
硬化[kouka] hardening
硬貨[kouka] coin
硬球[koukyuu] hard ball
硬玉[kougyoku] jadeite
硬骨[koukotsu] bone
硬式[koushiki] hardball (tennis, baseball)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
substance; quality; matter; temperament

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Popularity rank: 389 Pinyin: zhí, zhì Korean: jil, ji Hán-Việt: chất, chí
Stroke counts: 15 Grade level: 5 JLPT level: 3 Skip code: 2-13-2


悪質[akushitsu] bad quality
悪質化[akushitsuka] worsening
異質[ishitsu] different (quality, nature)
音楽の素質[ongakunososhitsu] aptitude for music
音質[onshitsu] tone quality
可塑物質[kasobusshitsu] plastics
画質[gashitsu] image quality (film, video, etc.)
灰白質[kaihakushitsu] gray matter
企業体質[kigyoutaishitsu] financial content
器質的[kishitsuteki] organic
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
pottery; porcelain

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Popularity rank: 1680 Pinyin: táo, yáo Korean: do, yo Hán-Việt: đào, dao
Stroke counts: 11 Grade level: 8 JLPT level: 1 Skip code: 1-3-8


薫陶[kuntou] education
陶器[touki] porcelain (esp. soft-paste porcelain)
陶芸[tougei] ceramic art
陶芸家[tougeika] potter
陶工[toukou] potter
陶磁[touji] clay
陶磁器[toujiki] porcelain
陶磁器店[toujikiten] ceramic stores
陶酔[tousui] intoxication
鬱陶しい[uttoushii] gloomy (e.g. mood)
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0